We are People of Purpose…
Our church is built on one unshakable foundation—the person and work of Jesus Christ. From this foundation comes the simple 6-fold purpose that guides us, which is based on the pattern set in Acts 2:42-47:
1. Bible Study
2. Fellowship
3. Praise
4. Evangelism
5. Benevolence
6. Prayer
We are a People of Worship…
Worship is a doctrinally rich offering of praise to God for who He is in relation to all His perfections and attributes and what He has done and is doing through His gracious work of redemption! We desire all to feel welcome as we, the assembly of the saints, join our voices in praise, our hearts in devotion, our hands in service, our minds in contemplation, and our feet in mission for the glory of God and the building of His kingdom.
We are a People of Scripture…
We believe the Bible is the Inspired, Infallible, Inerrant, Living Word of God. The Bible contains the principles of the gospel that lead to life, the precepts of truth that cleanse the believer, and the hope of salvation ultimately depicted in the Word, Jesus Christ. In studying God’s Word, we desire to allow the Holy Spirit to teach God’s people by communicating in an expository fashion a clear explanation of the text, Biblical principles in relation to the text, and application for Christian living from the text.
We are a People of Grace…
Grace is God’s unmerited favor. Salvation is based solely on God’s gracious provision through His Son’s death, burial, and resurrection. As we have received grace, so we also desire to freely give it in developing a community of saints who truly love one another through the implementation of Biblical principles.
We are People of Promise…
All of the promises of God find their “yes” in Christ. We are a people of promise and a people of hope. We look to the coming of our Lord as we await the promise of sharing in His resurrection.
Grace Baptist Church affirms the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message of the Southern Baptist Convention.